We are an open workshop with a wide range of equipment. People aged 14 and over meet here to work, exchange ideas and learn.
Welcome to experimenta’s Maker Space!
Our workshops have a large selection of machines, equipment and materials; you also have all kinds of know-how at your disposal to realize your ideas independently.
The spectrum ranges from small repairs to school and art projects to the development of a prototype for your start-up.
The Maker Space is also a community whose members support each other, learn from each other and work on joint projects.
In addition to regular workshops on various topics, members also work on their own projects here.
Our annual Maker Faire will take place on 08.02.2025. Due to the high number of visitors in recent years, we are expanding our exhibition space and moving the event to the large “Kubus” event room at experimenta.
If you would like to be part of the exhibition with your project, you can already apply here:
And if you would like to give a short presentation about your exciting project, you can apply here:
Unserem Versprechen „Die ganze Welt an einem Ort“ folgend, bietet das Science Center experimenta eine einzigartige Wissens- und Erlebniswelt für Wissbegierige von drei bis 103 Jahren. Hier können auf 25.000 Quadratmetern alle experimentieren, staunen, kreativ sein und die Welt mit allen Sinnen erkunden.
Gefördert durch
74072 Heilbronn
+49 (0) 7131 88795 – 0
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Die experimenta ist durch das Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport des Landes Baden-Württemberg als außerschulischer Lernort und außerschulisches Forschungszentrum offiziell anerkannt.
© 2024 experimenta gGmbH – Das Science Center. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.